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(This is a typical schedule and may change depending on the scope of your project)
7:00 AM Project Prep -- Key volunteers arrive and begin setting up
Registration Table and breakfast.
8:00 AM Volunteers Begin Arriving -- Sign-in at the Registration Table.
Unwrap the playground equipment and Transit the playground holes.
8:30 AM Welcome and Kick-off -- Installer will explain logistics, flow of
the day, safety, and address any questions/concerns.
8:45 AM Volunteers organized into Groups and start to preassemble
equipment and set decks and posts.
11:00 AM Concrete mixing begins.
11:30 AM Lunch is served. (Second shift of volunteers arrive, if applicable.)
12:30 PM Construction starts back up.
3:30 PM Playground is completed -- actual time will vary depending on size of playground, number of volunteers, weather, etc.
3:45 PM Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony/Clean-Up
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